Re: Lotus Notes (was Re: Sendmail Fixkit)

Software Test Account (
Thu, 09 Mar 1995 15:44:44 -0600 (CST)

On Sun, 26 Feb 1995, Matthew J Brown wrote:

> You don't *absolutely* have to output icky names like this to the world,
> however; our outgoing gateway rewrites the addresses to 
> <initials>  All users here except me do their mail through
> Notes.  The only way to do this, however, is OS/2 Sendmail
> hackery.  (yes, the Lotus Notes SMTP Gateway is a bag on the side of
> OS/2 sendmail).  It's an ancient version of sendmail, too; there isn't
> even support for database macros to do this (more) cleanly.
> I personally find it worrying that the Notes smtp gateway won't run on
> anything except OS/2 (whose TCP/IP implementation seems to be very flaky)
> and absolutely requires OS/2's sendmail instead of having its own
> SMTP thing (surely it can't have been too difficult to write their own?),
> and even more so that OS/2 sendmail is based on an ancient UNIX version,
> no doubt with all the known bugs.  The damn thing falls over at least
> once a day, too, takes an *age* to page back in every time it gets swapped,
> and is basically a *lot* of trouble.  
> -Matt
Can anyone cast a little more light on the potential problems with respect
to the Lotus Notes (cc-MAIL) SMTP gateway.

I need to make a rapid assessment of this package.  Any assistance 
would be greatly appreciated.


     ____       _____    _______   __     Erik Lindquist  
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   / /_| |    / /__    / /       /  /     AECL Whiteshell Laboratories
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